Tuesday 14 January 2014



Indus valley civilization belong to proto-historic age(chalcolothic age/bronze age).It was spread over present day Sindh,Baluchistan,Punjab,Haryana,Rajasthan,Gujrat,Western U.P,Northern Maharashtra.

1.   Important sites of Indus valley civilization.
  • MOHENJODARO(Nakhlistan i.e oasis of sindh)
It was situated on the bank of river Ravi,in punjab,Pakistan.It was discovered by Daya Ram Sahni(1921),Madho Swaroop Vatsa(1926),Wheeler(1946).Most important structure here found was 6 grainaries in a row.

It was situated on the bank of river Indus,in sindh,Pakistan.It was discovered by Rakhal Das Bannerji(1922),Mackay(1927),Wheeler(1930).Important structure found here were Great Bath,Great Granery(largest structure of civilization).

It was also situated on the bank of river Indus in Sindh Pakistan.It was discovered by Mackay (1925).N.G Mazumdar(1931).It is the only city without a citadel.
It was situated on the bank of river Bhogva in modern day Gujrat, India.It was discovered by S.R Rao(1954).No major structure were excavated here except some terracotta figurines and some double burial sites.

KALIBANGA.(bangles of black color)
It was situated on the bank of river Ghaggar in modern dayRajasthan, India.It was discovered by Amalananda Ghosh(1951),B.B Lal & B.K Thapar(1961).No major structures were unearthed here,but some prominent discoveries were Ploughed field surface,7 fire altars & some mesopotamian cylindrical seals.

It was situated on the bank of river Ghaggar near Haryana, India.It was discovered by R.S Bist(1973).the main discoveries made here were Lack of Drainage System & Systematic Town Planning

It was situated on the bank of river Luni near Gujarat, India.Discovered by J.P Joshi(1967-68).Its main features were unique water harnessing system & storm water drainage system.Largest Harappan inscription used for civic purpose.


  • Mohenjodaro - Largest site of Indus Valley Civilization.
  • Dholavira - Largest Indian Site of Indus Valley Civilization.
      2. Common features of every city under this civilization.
  • Systematic town planning as per Grid System.
  • Use of burnt bricks in construction.
  • Underground drainage system(except CHANHUDARO).
      3. Main crops
  • Wheat & Barley, in some places like Lothal & Rangpur evidence of rice cultivation also found.
  • Other crops include Dates,Mustard,Sesamum,Cotton etc.
  • Indus people were the first to cultivate cotton in world.(cotton was called sindon by greeks)
      4. Animals
  • Sheep,goat,humped & humpless bull,buffalo,boar,dog,cat,pig,fowl,deer,tortoise,elephant,rhinoceros etc
  • Cow & Lion were not known to Indus People.
      5. Trade & Commerce.
  • Indus people had extensive connection in inland & foreign trade.There main allies were Mesopotamia or Sumeria(IRAQ),Bahrain etc.
  • They imported mainly Gold,Silver,Copper,Tin,Lapis Lazuli,Jade,Sapphire,Amethyst etc.
  • They exported mainly terracotta figurines,Agricultural products & Cotton goods.
  • Iron was not known to Indus people.
  • Capital cities- Harappa & Mohenjodaro
  • Port cities- Lothal,Sutkagendor,Allahindo,Balakot &Kuntasi.
      6.Indus civilization was primarily urban,there"s no clear cut evidence of government type but it hints that the ruling class consisted of a group of merchants.
       7. Religion
  • Harappan people didn"t worship there gods in temple.No temple has been unearthed yet.
  • Most commonly found figurines are of Mother goddess.Evidence Suggest that there was prevalence of YONI(female sex organ) worship.
  • Chief male deity was PASHUPATI MAHADEV(Proto shiva)
  • Some evidence also suggest that zoolatry i.e animal worship & tree worship were in vogue these days.
      8. Script
  • There is evidence of pictographic script mainly on seals.Its not been deciphered so far but overlap of letters from some posts suggest that script was boustrophedon or proto-dravidian.
  • Steatite was used in the manufacturing of seals,with humpless bull on most of the seals.
  • Origin of swastika is traced back to Indus valley civilization.
      9. Inhumation or complete burial was the most common practice for disposal of dead.
      10. Contemporary civilizations- Mesopotamia,Egypt & China

1 comment:

  1. Its my begining so,sorry for any mistake that i"ve done here.
